As coming from sweden i can tell you that one of this men was almost a hero inn sweden a litel of bonnie and clyde style, he was very hansome and nice looking man, who was a favorite for the media, he later was leaving the krimelife as he said, until one day he was taken inn a drug afair, and is now in prision for long time,sad story.
But it was not so unbelevebel that he fool this littel girl to almost love him when he have her as an hostige.He hade so calld carisma, and i think still have inn sweden.
happy man
JoinedPosts by happy man
stockholm syndrome
by openminded incheck this out:.
stockholm syndrome .
``they weren't bad people.
happy man
Is Bill Bowen "cleansing the temple?"
by blindfool ini borrowed another tape recording from my mothers church.. in this sermon the pastor described how the jews were obsessed with their temple.
so much so that they really started worshipping the temple itself.
one obsession was how clean the temple had to stay.
happy man
Hello Craw, is it realy you, remember happy man?
i hope to miss you when i left timothys board, dont they want to listen to you anymore ther, remember our battels, dont try to take them upp again, but ofcourse its nice too see you around.
Perhaps you are more kind now,or? -
The Society's Plan: An Overview
by metatron inthe watchtower's leaders know that storm clouds.
are forming above their corrupted heads - and they have.
formulated a response.. first, tons of emphasis on armageddon - rabble rousing.
happy man
This is a very iontesting topic, i and a few others iin my cong have notice this alomost whorship who gov body want, on the asambly day inn the last spech they say, what ever happend trust Jehova, even if it sounds like bad news, waith for jehova to ackt. And sure we now that they say they are ,jehovas woice on earth.
In the lateast littratur like the Isaiah book,they even hade pictures of some of the gov body, i think they are very near to go over the line, isnt there some peopel in the gov body who have there mind clear.
Inn watchtower 1975 i read of the names as come inn 28 of november 1974, it was, Loyd Barry, John Both, Edward Chitty, Charls fekel, Theodor Jaracz, Karl Klein,Albert Shröder, Daniel Sydlik.The rest was innthis time, F Franz,R Franz, K greenless, G Gangas, John Groh.
Miltin henschel. W jacksson, NH Knorr, G Suiter, L Swingel.
Some of this is dead, some have left like R franz, Greenless?
perhaps some here can give some uppdate so we now who is the sheep and who is the wolfs, beaucause i am sure we have some wolfs inside the leadarsheep, and jehova will punnish them for this arogant atitud and place themselfs in high positions. -
who the hell is hildabinger&mystikool?
by airwlk149 inok- lately i have been reading more and more posts and i see hildabinger and mystikool replying to posts supporting the wts.
are they active jw's counting time for repling to posts... am i correct?
is that why hilda's name is crossed out?
happy man
Well Matty, as you see hee you have another active JW , from Swedenm these who follow my nicname now that i hade ben a JW all my life, and also elder for over 20 year, when i firstreadthis site i read that it was fore JW and others who hade intrest inn the subjekt.
Took me awhile to understan it was a XJW site, but as i see it it is intrestingtoo se the other site of the qoin.
And ofcourse some informaition as you get here you dont have inn the organisaition, as the UN thing, or here in Sweden even childabuse thing,when i told my PO, he have no idea of this ,and was wery confused.
" of nmy 5 children is not JW, and this boys are atacking me evry day widh subjekts who they read on internet, so when the PO ask if i rely read on evel EXJW sites, i must saym my boys tell this and this, and i have to check it out, and to my bigg surprise a lot of it was truth,so i think we have to akcept that internet i s here and it is a fantastic media for information. Exaitings times for us all,who nows, Jehova perhaps use this things too punnish his slave on earth, as hee doing to the nation of israel, when there kings was out of order.
So i am workin behind the lines, so to say. and i my cong we are a few who see whats happend. -
by happy man ini find this on a link, this surprice mee, as we all now, ekonomic info is secret, who comes that we can read this figures, it is fakeor something els, if it is the truth, it must bee sensationell info..
happy man
I find this on a link, this surprice mee, as we all now, ekonomic info is secret, who comes that we can read this figures, it is fakeor something els, if it is the truth, it must bee sensationell info.
by deddaisy in[ profile above ] re: how many awakes would i have to sell?
madapostate and mccullough,.
either you're very bad researchers, or you're wt-ites....i don't understand how you, madapostate, can claim to be such a good researcher and seem to find, without any effort, the sources of the wts writers' material for the awake, yet not find, in all your research, the fact that regi is , in fact, owned by the wts...weird, huh?'s too late, i've already submitted, weeks ago, all the documentation to:.
happy man
Amaizing, what is this info?
Farewell Party for a DO
by Defender inmy old congregation that i used to attend threw a farewell party tonight for the do who is being relocated to another district out west.
i went along with my wife just to see old friends in the hall.
all the elders know about my situation, yet continue to treat me cordially, at least for the time being.
happy man
And why didnt you take the occasion to ask him some qestion, abaot UN, or abuse in the organisation,pitty.
happy man
I dont now who you are, if you can tell me your nick name or something as i new, i must have it before i email you, you must bee carefull, inn this trubbel days,
greatings from sweden. -
What Counts As Knowledge
by HildaBingen inengrish has thrown down the gauntlet by insulting my people about iq.
besides fact that iq bogus, engrish overlook nother fact.. what is intelligence?
what is knowledge?
happy man
hello Hilda
i am an ongoing JW, but something is trubbeling mee, we read in the bookstudie, abaout the slav and that he was telling us that crist take the power in heaven 1914,and they talk a lot of diffrent profethis 1918, 1919.
But when i read inn old books as i have, written inn 1920 centuri, they say the last days start 1799, and jesus come to hevaen 1874.
I dont find this understanding as we now have before 1942, and then in begginingof 1950 it was more clearly understood,BUT WHY IS GOV BODY TELLING US THINGS WHO DONT IS THE WHOLE TRUTH, very confusing. -
Dateline - reactions the morning after.
by dmouse inwhat happens the morning after dateline?
how will most jws react?
these are my thoughts on the matter, which, of course, are open to debate:.
happy man
I can tell you frpm our assambly day as we have satterday, in the last spech i hear something intresting,The speaker from headqorter, say, what ever happend we must trust Jehova, we must understand that when the slav is talking it is jehova , and if we dont understan we have to wait on jehova, what ever happend, we can bee sire that nothing bad will happend us , beaucause we have JEHOVAS PROTECTION.
This talk, was intresting, i think not so many in sweden is avare of what happend widh this UN thing, and this moldestion of children.
But the man who talked have this info I am sure , thats why he told us to dont worry what ever happend.
I think things is going to be more exaiting.
As i say before, for mee it is clear that we have the same situaition as when kings in israel was like hard wolfs to the peopel,we now that jehova use diffrent countries to punnish them, perhaps he now use the media to punishthe gov body, and i think for showing to littel love and compasion, that is what this site showd mee.